Burbank Mayor Dave Golonski Says Farewell at Retirement Ceremony

Burbank City Councilman and 4-time Mayor Dave Golonski finally retired after 20 years of public service, with hundreds of people in attendance at De Luxe Banquet Hall.

New Mayor Emily Gabal-Luddy acted as MC while guests took turns sharing their stories, both funny and serious, about their time spent with Mr. Golonski. Among the projects spearheaded by Dave was the Elmwood Focus Neighborhood rejuvenation, in which he worked with gang officer Ed Skarvina to eliminate the drug deals, shootings, and other gang activity from the neighborhood.

A video presentation had other former Mayors speak fondly of his contributions and showed his lighter side as he wore a Santa costume.

Guests signed a large “thank you” card for the retired city councilman and enjoyed catering and cake. At the end of the evening, Dave made his final speech, thanking his family and those in attendance, and received a standing ovation.

The retirement party was an excellent sendoff to a great Burbank public servant. Thank you for all of the great years Dave Golonski!

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