Ways To Involve Your Father With Wedding Planning

A wedding day is a very special and emotional time for brides, it’s a day they’ve probably dreamed about for many years. The wedding day can also be an emotional day for the father of the bride.

“I used to think a wedding was a simple affair. Boy and girl meet, they fall in love, he buys a ring, she buys a dress, they say I do. I was wrong. That’s getting married. A wedding is an entirely different proposition. I know. I’ve just been through one.” – Father of the Bride movie 

A father is the first man a daughter will love, the one that she can count on no matter how difficult life may get, the one who will show her the right way a man should treat a woman. So, it’s easy to imagine how equally happy and sad a father can be about his daughter’s wedding. One way to ease your father’s emotions about your wedding is to include him in the planning process. We’ve got a couple ideas for you to try.

Detective Dad 

We know every father wants the best for his “baby girl.” When he met your future husband, he must have asked a million questions and examined your future husband’s every little move. Put those skills to good use by asking him to research various wedding banquet halls and vendors for you. He can research the top venues and vendors, read their reviews and then update you on the best ones.

Follow His Interests

Think about what your father enjoys. Does he enjoy gardening? Ask him to help you with the floral arrangements for your wedding day. Does he love to eat? Have him help you select the menu for your wedding. Does he have a sweet tooth? Let him taste test wedding cakes with you. The point is to find his interests and let him help you on that aspect of the wedding planning process.

Father/Daughter Dance

Watching a father slow dance with his newlywed daughter is one of the most heartwarming sights to see. If your father enjoys music, why not have him pick the father/daughter dance? Chances are he may already have a song in mind because many dads dream about this very important moment.

Running Errands

Another way to get your father involved in the wedding planning process is by assigning him wedding errands. From picking up invitations to taking wedding outfits to the dry cleaners, your father will be happy to be doing his part.

Let Dad Be Dad 

Every father has his quirks, but let your father be himself on your wedding day. Don’t try to get him to behave a certain way, appreciate the person that he is. At the end of the day, this isn’t just your special day, it’s his special day too!


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