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Fun and Romantic Proposal Ideas

Fun And Romantic Proposal IdeasWhen you finally work up the nerve to propose to your girlfriend, whether you have been dating for 6 months or 6 years, you should find an exciting way to pop the question. Your proposal should be perfect.

There are plenty of fun proposal ideas you can try, so here are a few to get the ball rolling:

Age-Old Classics

1) Freeze the engagement ring in ice and serve it in a beverage. When she sees it, get down on one knee and ask her to marry you.

2) Have your proposal printed inside the menu of her favorite restaurant. When she opens it, she will be in for a pleasant surprise.

3) Make her breakfast in bed with eggs, toast, fruit, and mimosas, then pull the ring out at the end.

4) The internet allows for thousands of ideas. You can record your proposal and post it on YouTube for friends and family to view. Get some friends together to surprise you love with a flash mob that ends with you on bended knee.

Ultra-Romantic Proposal Ideas

Incorporating roses into your proposal is a sure-fire way to make your proposal memorable. Here are a few ideas you can try.

1) Make a trail of rose petals from the front door to the bedroom, which is lit with candles. She will come home and follow the path to find you waiting for her with an engagement ring.

2) Send a rose to her work every day, for 11 straight days. On the 12th day, she will be expecting to complete her dozen, but instead you show up in person with a full bouquet and ring.

3) Rent a hotel room for two and order the works: rose petals, chocolates, candles, hot tub, champagne, and any other perks you can imagine.

Location, Location, Location

Go somewhere exciting together. Even if she suspects an engagement is coming, she will still love the effort you made to make the moment perfect.

1) Hot air balloons are one of the more romantic choices you can make. Way up in the air, overlooking the world below, she will forever remember the moment.

2) Take her back to the spot where you first met or went on your first date. Tell her that since that day, your life has never been the same and you couldn’t imagine it without her.

3) Send your girlfriend on a treasure hunt, with each location being significant towards your relationship. The last clue sends her to you, where you propose.

4) Find a location that you both share an affinity for and propose there. If you both love baseball, have the Jumbo Tron post your proposal. If you are movie buffs, create a custom advertisement before a film.

Best of luck to you on your special day. As long as you love your girlfriend and she shares the emotion, you will surely have an unforgettable proposal and long, magical marriage.

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